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更新时间:2025-03-24 14:15:22
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first aid什么意思


1. emergency care given before regular medical aid can be obtained

1. 急救
First aid is simple medical treatment given as soon as possible to a person who is injured or who suddenly becomes ill.

e.g. There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment.
e.g. ...a first aid kit.

1. 急救员:热点( Hot Spot ) 五位急救战士之一大街( Streetwise ) 五位急救战士之一车辙( Groove ) 五位急救战士之一急救员( First Aid ) 五位急救战士之一刀刃( Blades ) 五位急救战士之一

2. 紧急救护:苏术(CPR)及紧急救护(First Aid)的学习 (2) 身体健康检查(包括肺结核检验) (3) 须满足英语要求, 且完成西医医学名词课程及诊所实习基本介绍 (Clinic Orientation).

3. 急救术:弹道术(Ballistics)更名为Warefare(Bal.),炮术(Artillery)更名为Warefare(Art.),急救术(First Aid)更名为Warefare(F.A),学会其中任一个子技能,则同时也掌握了另外两个子技能,升级时也是三者共同升级的,并且作战术也拥有各子技能的加强效果,

Also see: SAMHSA Video Presentation about Psychological First Aid by Dr. Patricia Watson, NCPTSD.(也可参考:药物滥用与心理健康服务部(SAMHSA)心理急救视频由帕特里沃森博士,国立创伤后应激障碍中心(NCPTSD)提供。)
She took first aid courses, learning to suture herown wounds, put out onboard fires and cope with sleep deprivation.(她还进行了急救训练,学习了如何缝合自身的伤口、扑灭甲板上的火和应对睡眠不足的问题。)
There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment.(有很多紧急情况需要迅速的急救治疗。)
There are several fairly common issues that can arise when you are out with your dog that require first aid attention.(当您和您的狗狗在户外活动时,会经常出现一些问题需要对狗狗进行急救。)
You should know how to do basic first aid.(你应该懂得如何实施基本的急救。)
Do you have any extra certificates besides your degree, such as a first-aid license for example?(除了你的学位证书之外,你还有其他证书吗,例如说急救执照?)
I pulled over, got out of the car and rushed over to give the man whatever first aid I could.(我把车子停到路边,走出车子,冲过去尽我所能对那个男人施行急救。)
I would give him first aid and call for assistance.(我将对他进行基本的急救,然后呼救。)
Give first aid where appropriate.(在适当的地方给予急救。)
Do you have a first aid kit in your house?(你家里有急救箱吗?)
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